My Life....

         I tlittlegirl2.gif (1263 bytes)was born in November of 1997 in an Army theart4.gif (934 bytes)Hospital in Germany.  I  weighed  a whole 6 pounds 10 ounces.  I was actually due the day before  Thanksgiving but the Doctor decided I could theart2.gif (939 bytes)come I did. theart4.gif (934 bytes) Mom didn't mind   one  bit.... I didn't our first Thanksgiving together was extra special. I was in Germany with Mom and Dad for five months...then I spent some time with my Grandma and Grandpa because of Mom and Dad'stheart1.gif (939 bytes) work. Long story... anyways...then we all moved down to Northern Florida and thats where   we are now. theart5.gif (935 bytes) So you can pretty much bet I am going to grow up as a  "Beach Baby"....~giggle giggle.  This web site is pretty theart2.gif (939 bytes)much all about me...of course Mom takes care of it...until I am old enough to do it myself. I don't know what theart1.gif (939 bytes)Mom is going to do I hope you enjoy your visit and we all hope you come back again!!  See ya!!!theart5.gif (935 bytes)

Use the drop down table to navigate my Web Patch *grin*

Mom got the graphics on these pages from the artists below!!

(Please any one time there may be only a few or no graphics from
any one of these artists on the page...Mom changes things around here...ALOT!! *S*)